Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Guguzis awesome picture

Guguzis (sorry if spelled wrong) an awesome artist and this picture shows it (hikis in red im in green)

Garbage collector contest started

Yup another contest i got 1st comment on the blog so that was cool for me also i have a pic that im gonna show in the next post it was made by one of our amazing agent artists :)


p.s i dont know why sweetgirl hasnt posted yet i sent an invite and she still hasnt post.... so i dont know

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My frist clothing design

Hey everyone its midgetninja37 here and this is my first clothing design ever state your honest opinion but dont be to harsh :) its my 60's clothing design a peace shirt and bell bottum pants :) Also dont be afraid to comment on ways to make this design better :)

Chobot sighting

hey midgetninja37 here! this morning i was just walking around and chobot apeared hes very old and i got a screen shot hes in the fire fighter suit he was also wearing rocket shoes they were cool :)

Hey everyone!!!!!!

midgetninja37 here! this is mine and sweetgirl25's blog hope we start posting more soon!